I Hate Waiting

Inigo Montoya said it best.  I hate waiting.  Which is odd, really, because our whole modern life is built around providing us with “down time.”  We have developed so much technology meant to stream line our life and give us more free time.  Yet when faced with this mythical free time, most of us, myself…

Friday Evenings Under the Shady Tree | The Charis Project

Shannon wrote an article on The Charis Project blog about our Family Resource Center.  She has been blessed to drive some friends to the classes over this past year.  She shares some of her observations and some of the good news about how people in Maesot are getting a glimpse of the Good Life.  What is…

What about our kids?

Before coming to Thailand, several people asked us, what about our kids?  How would they deal with such a drastic change?  We, of course, had similar thoughts, but it seemed rather a moot point since we believed that God had called us to come here, so we trusted that He had all of our greatest good at…